Saturday, September 27, 2008

What causes acne breakout

« ...The truth is that during puberty, the level of sexual hormones known as androgens (particularly testosterone) is more eminent and they might heighten the sexual desire simultaneously, they also increase the production of some special body oils known as sebum. If some particular bacteria known as P. acnes are present together with this extra sebum, then this can end up into acne development. This is the only link that can be established between sex and acne. So the truth remains that the sex is not sole cause of acne and also that acne can in no way heighten anyone's sexual desire or activity....
...Benzoyl Peroxide - contains antibacterial properties that are effective in treating mild pimples but it can be very drying on the skin. Also, it is not as effective in terms of blackhead removal....»
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«...I struggled with these questions for over ten years and thanks to trial and error, which is probably the worst way to go, I finally got some help and found treatments that tackled my acne for good....»
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tags: queen helene mint julep masque with sulfur for acne, azelaic acid acne and hyperpigmentation, best over the counter acne control

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