Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best acne medication in the world

« ...One of the worst foods for acne must be avoided as much as possible. This food is oils. Not all oils, but most vegetable type oils should be avoided. These oils are really bad for the skin and are filled with inflammatory substances. So avoid that bad food. Look in your ingredients and if it has canola oil, sunflower seed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, or anything like that avoid it....
...So just by simply eating better you could change your appearance around dramatically....»
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«...Generally, different acne classifications, would entail different treatment methods and skin regimen. But if what you have is a severe form of acne, and you've tried almost any other treatment, one drug that has been tested and proven to prevent, if not stop acne altogether is Roaccutane. It is an ant-acne drug treatment mostly prescribed by doctors dealing with patients that are suffering from severe acne and has tried most other treatments with no success at all....»
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tags: getting rid of acne scars natural, evening primrose oil for acne, spironolactone topical help acne

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