Thursday, July 3, 2008

Herbs for acne treatment and really bad acne pics

Acne is a problem that many people have to face at some point in their lifetime. It causes a lot of problems for individuals, from embarrassment to permanent scarring and it can affect you at any time during your life. More often than not, however, this particular disease seems to strike during adolescence. This creates another problem as it is during the time in your life when things seem to be the most awkward. Along with that, other adolescents do not display much mercy for those that suffer from this problem.
The first method of acne treatment that most people use is to buy an over the counter pimple cream at the nearest drugstore. Big mistake! Curing acne is not an overnight matter and the usual benzoyl peroxide gel is not going to provide a complete acne treatment.
Every process in your body needs water to function, especially your kidneys, which remove excess wastes from your body. If toxins are not flushed out, they can lead to embarrassing and unsightly acne.
tags: sugar free acne pill, zinc supplement acne foundation, what to use to speed healing of cystic acne sore

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